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Data sources and methodology

Data sources

Swiss higher education institutions (HEI) providing data from their institutional reference system(s) (e.g., repositories) are swissuniversities members or close associates (e.g., Research Institutes of the ETH Domain). The specialist entrusted by the HEI is in charge of providing the requested data, e.g., in their capacity as Open Access specialist, repository manager, part of the HEI management or application developer. They have full authority over the data they deliver based on the survey specifications. The survey relies on the expertise of the HEI specialists and gives the necessary room for interpretation. Institutions are requested to provide data on Open Access shares of publications attributed to a selected amount of resource types. The institutions provide snapshot data in form of absolute annual figures and underlying datasets.


The Consortium conducts an annual survey which requests repository data from swissuniversities members of the previous four publication years. The collected data needs regular updates to reflect changes in the OA status in form of an annual rolling survey which collects updated data from the previous four years. Data older than four years remain static; data and their visualizations are updated after each survey and made available on oamonitor.ch.

Transparency and reproducibility of the survey fully depend on the institutions’ provision of absolute figures (and underlying datasets) and on the repositories being compliant with metadata standards. Additional independent compliance checks (e.g. using the OpenAIRE Validator) or any other method of cross-checking or data validation are not within the scope of this survey.

The low-threshold manual approach of this survey excludes automated data aggregation/merging/de-duplication solutions, like harvesting OpenAIRE data. Visualizations of the data available on oamonitor.ch are based on the absolute figures aggregated in one list. 

Absolute figures: for the interpretation and visualisation of the delivered data on institutional and national level, the project uses the absolute figures as delivered by the institutions. The survey collects absolute figures of Open Access shares: “basic” (“Open”/ “Closed”) or/and if available “advanced” (“Green”/ “Gold”/ “Hybrid”/ “Closed”) per institution, resource type and year. The request form includes the following metadata: Institution name, ROR-ID, Institution type, Period, Resource type, OA type – basic, OA type – advanced, Number of items.

Underlying data: institutions are invited to deliver the underlying metadata on item level they used for identifying the Open Access shares per resource type and year which include the following standard metadata as described in the OpenAire Guidelines for institutional and thematic Repository Managers. Institutions are invited to add metadata fields they deem necessary to identify and allocate the resource types to their OA status and/or differentiate between journal article and professional article (if available).

wdt_ID Metadata field Standard vocabulary Requirement level
1 Creator affiliation (name/identifier of institution) datacite:affiliation Mandatory
2 Creator (e.g., name of author or editor) datacite:creator Mandatory
3 Title (title of item) datacite:title Mandatory
4 Identifier: Publisher’s DOI datacite:identifier Mandatory if applicable
5 Identifier: Repository DOI/Handle datacite:identifier Mandatory if applicable
6 ISBN or ISSN(s) datacite:alternateIdentifier Recommended
7 Published in (journal title/book title) datacite:relatedIdentifier (relation type: IsPartOf) Recommended
8 Issue Date (publication date) datacite:date Mandatory
9 Publisher dc:publisher Mandatory if applicable
10 Resource type journal article, book, book part, conference paper Mandatory
11 OA category basic Open, Closed Mandatory
12 OA category advanced Green, Gold, Hybrid, Closed Mandatory if applicable
13 License Condition (creative commons licence) oaire:licenseCondition Mandatory if applicable
14 Resource version oaire:version Recommended
15 Full-text: Embargo end date datacite:date Mandatory if applicable