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Open Access typology
The Journal Monitor (OAM-CH) uses the information on publications provided by Unpaywall to calculate the OA proportions and to assign an OA model to each publication. For this purpose, the following checks are run in sequence:
wdt_ID | Condition | OA model | Coding |
1 | Gold and no APCs based on DOAJ ("Platinum") | Diamond | 8 |
2 | Journal_is_oa = true | Gold | 7 |
3 | Host_type = “Publisher” and CC licence | Hybrid | 6 |
4 | Host_type = "Repository" and Version = "publishedVersion" | Green | 2 |
5 | Host_type = "Repository" and Version = "acceptedVersion" | Green | 2 |
6 | Host_type = "Repository" | Closed | 0 |
7 | Host_type = "Publisher" and no CC licence | Closed | 0 |
8 | Otherwise | Closed | 0 |
The Open Access types are assigned exclusively. As soon as an Open Access category has been assigned, the checking procedure is cancelled. This means that the procedure does not allow for multiple classifications such as Green and Closed for the same document.
wdt_ID | OA category | Definition |
7 | Diamond | Same as the Gold category, Platinum/Diamond content is openly available to readers from the publisher's site. For Gold, fees have to be paid. For Platinum/Diamond no fees were paid. |
8 | Gold | Resources are OA first publications in journals, as a monograph or a contribution in an edited volume. Gold journal articles have all the same characteristics as Hybrid articles but are published in fully Open Access journals (“Gold Journals”). |
9 | Hybrid | Resources published with an Open (creative commons) licence in a non-OA publication (e.g., in a subscription-based journal). Hybrid resources are usually published in exchange for an article processing charge, or APC. |
10 | Green | Resources published in toll-access journals but archived in an institutional Open Access repository. Green articles may be reviewed versions (accepted/postprint or published) of published content. |
11 | Closed | Resources which do not fit in the other categories, content which is still embargoed at the time of the data collection and Bronze content. Bronze articles are free to read on the publisher's website, without a license that grants any other rights. |